Prophecy 14:
'Devil beware, if MY People who are called by MY NAME (Christian) will humble themselves, fall on their faces, before their Father YAHUVEH, I will heal their land.'
Prophecy 56:
I send MY prophets forth to warn of MY judgments. I send MY apostles and prophets forth to warn before the doom comes. I warn those now, in America through this handmaiden of MINE once again. I gave her a dream. Now! Urgent! Intercessory prayer warriors in the five states mentioned in the dream [California, Nevada, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri] must be raised up. I told her at a time she was the most vulnerable, when her ear was opened, inclined to hear MY words. Two words: Warn Them! Warn them when America is the most vulnerable. As a plane was flying low, like in the dream that will be described below. These five states are most vulnerable. If enough prayer warriors do not rise up and care, an attack will come. I'll not say how, I'll not say when. I warn through MY Prophets. How few will listen.
I let MY Daughter be the one to warn you. How few will listen. You have been tested as I've repeatedly said, as Elijah of Old tested the widow of Zarephath and others. The prophets of Baal will fall. I will send judgment down on those who do not take MY warning seriously. Blame not any man, for this will be allowed by the hand of the Creator, of the Savior. For you will not listen to us in any other way. Repent, fall on your knee's and pray that judgment does not come down on you this very day, for hardening your hearts, for deafening your ears, for blinding your eyes.
Why does America think it's better than any nation on earth? I'll tell you this, Prayer Intercessors. Those who fervently pray had better get in touch with you from these five states [California, Nevada, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri], for those who will be raised up from other places around the world, you know your calling. It is for a Prayer Intercessor. Come forth now! Contact this Apostle before it's too late. For America, you're getting ready to celebrate another birthday and because of MY mercy and love, I have shown you compassion and I now send again an Apostle to warn them. Pray once again MY judgment on America will be delayed.
Prophecy 58:
I, YAHUVEH say, "People you must repent, stand in the gap, weep, fast and pray for America before judgment falls on her again." Please post a prayer for America. I, YAHUVEH instruct you to post all Prophecies pertaining to America. Don't be afraid of offending America, but if you don't obey be afraid of offending ME. I, YAHUVEH say to you President Bush, "You must call a national day of fasting, mourning, day of repentance, and you must fall on your face before ME, before the world, you must humble yourself, repent, weep, fast and pray so MY hand of judgment will be lifted off of America." Christians and Jews, listen to the scriptures "If MY People who are called by MY NAME will humble themselves, and pray and seek MY face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land." (2 Chron 7:14)
Prophecy 67:
I YAHUVEH will declare War from Heaven with giant Meteors of Mass destruction. I YAHUVEH will release these Meteors in showers like you have never seen. As stated in the book of Revelation. No weapon of warfare will be able to stop it! I YAHUVEH, declare war on earth for its sinfulness, vast Meteor destruction will come; only Holy prayers will delay it. Judgment cannot be stopped but it can be delayed. As you fire your missiles from earth I shall fire MY missiles from Heaven. Who can fight against YAHUVEH and win?
Meteor Destruction is coming forth just as I, YAHUVEH, told MY Daughter Elisheva's son who is called Prophet Boy Elijah. He wouldn't give the warning, so I am speaking it forth from MY Daughter again. Warn the people that only mighty prayer intercession will delay Judgment to America and this world. War from Heaven, giant Meteors, will be released and no weapon of warfare will be able to stop it! Only prayer warriors will delay MY Judgment as they cry out for mercy on this land that deserves no mercy. I prophesied the storms and earthquakes would come and they did. What do I have to do before people will realize I am warning the Apostles and Prophets to tell the people to repent before I send Judgment?
My troops anointed by Heaven will not be concerned with one another's name, for they will recognize the RUACH ha KODESH within MY Children. They will not recognize the name, nor even know their past, but they will recognize one another by the anointing of MY RUACH ha KODESH. You shall gather together in MY NAME and walk in Holiness and Truth to MY statures and walk side by side, traveling together for one purpose and that is to warn people MY Judgment is soon to fall. The year 2003, MY anointed hidden ones will come out of hiding and join together with MY Daughter speaking this and together they shall pray for delay of MY Judgment and if enough people repent, I shall stay MY hand of Judgment another time.
Prophecy 83: I, YAHUVEH have been so pleased as the prayers of the Bride of YAHUSHUA have come before ME on this Day of Purim. As a sweet fragrance they came to ME. As sweet incense the angels opened them up and I am so pleased. And that is why I have had more mercy and I said, "How much longer do you want ME to delay?" But the end is nigh. When the sealed prophecy is released [78], one of the seals will be broken. Woe be unto this world when Elisheva speaks forth what I have hidden. Oh, but MY Beloved Bride of YAHUSHUA, those who are the members of Rev. 14 and Rev. 7, you need not fear. All the Guests who are invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, it is true you will have to suffer for HIM [YAHUSHUA]. Oh, but the rewards that you have coming.