don't go to war, without 'I AM' on your side. Don't allow your
politicians to think you want this war with an invisible enemy. Can
you really fight 60 nations or more to root out the men you call
terrorists? How can you hope to win? Oh America, you are facing a
world full of bullies that want very much to act as a friend and for
the most part will betray you if given a chance. They will attack
when you least expect it. You offer your hand full of money, and
bribes, and they hate you for it. You have been warned! America, you
are so close to MY heart, for even when your enemies thirst and
hunger you want to feed and water them. Do you not realize you
strengthen your enemy at times instead of weaken them? You are
heaping coals of fire on heads that do not acknowledge the GOD of
your forefathers, they hate you when you show them love and
compassion, and they look at you like you're weak instead of strong.
America, even after war with your enemies you go and rebuild their
land but you can not wipe away the tears you caused because you are
too quick to flex what you think are your arms of strength, your
muscles, and yet when your muscles are not strengthened by the Holy
Word of YAHUVEH you will find it takes more to do than what it use
Prophecy 58:
have anointed MY Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu to be a blessing
unto you and not a curse, and there is no in-between. She
has a mandate to not bless what I, YAHUVEH have cursed and not curse
I, YAHUVEH has blessed. What will
you do with the words you have read this day? I am YAHUVEH and I will
protect the few that have heard MY voice and will be a blessing unto
her in YAHUSHUA's NAME. As I blessed the widow of Zarephath in a time
when you think not, in a way you think not, I will sustain you with
do not honor ME. In fact you dishonor ME. For Jacob I loved and Esau
I hated. Ohhh, how I want to shout this, should
I not hate those that hate and despise all that is Holy? Should I not
hate those that blaspheme MY RUACH ha KODESH? What fellowship does
YAHUSHUA have with liars, with Beelzebub's? What fellowship can
lightness have with darkness, yet you insist in staying in these
marriages that are not a marriage in MY eyes.
It is a bondage that I despise, for I never joined them together and
yet you think you've done ME a favor and all you've done is grieve MY
Soul. As the children are raised in heathen homes, and I've told you
a house divided cannot stand and the spouse cries out to ME, "Deliver
ME!" Oh, if they only would have listened all along. If only
they would have realized I divided long ago.
ready MY Children but do not be afraid. Incline your ears, MY
Children, to every word I say. Discern the spirits that speak, for
many false prophets have arose and assure you of false words of
prosperity that will come to a nation, a country or a state that
despises and thrown out, from the schools to the government, to the
laws, all that I have proclaimed as Holy. You will see this nation,
this country, the cities, the states, the providences, no matter
where they are on the face of this world, come under MY judgment and
come under MY decrees. Vengeance
is MINE, I will repay.
be ready, MY Children. It doesn't matter if you know the day or hour.
What Bride doesn't know when her Bridegroom approaches? What Bride
doesn't prepare herself in advance? MY True Bride are hearing MY
voice. They are preparing themselves. They are desiring and seeking
Holiness. They
abhor the yeast of the Pharisees.
Hide yourself, MY Children, for yet just a little while. For
all of Heaven rages, and against satan and his demons war rages. It
is waged, for the KING IS COMING! The Earth quakes and shutters in
fear in various parts of the world. You are seeing floods, these are
MY tears. Remember when the floods came in the time of Noah. Remember
how he was mocked and they mocked up until the time the rains came.
I told MY Children, Noah and his family to get in the ark and bolt
the door, and when the floods came the ungodly ones pounded on that
door. Then they wanted in, then they believed who 'I AM', but it was
too late for them and the floods swallowed them.
you go into the year of 2003 the mockers and the scoffers are going
to surround thee. They are going to say, "Where is this YAHUSHUA
that you say is coming?" But I have a word for you, I remind you
of the mockers and scoffers that surrounded Noah. These things must
come to pass. It is MY way of separating the chaff from the wheat.
Mock ME if you dare. This
is the message that I give the enemies, for any enemy of yours is an
enemy of MINE. An
enemy is anyone that sets themselves against the messages that I give
you, for truly I have anointed you as MY Spokesperson.
When the enemies speak against these messages that come straight from
Heaven, they speak against I, YAHUVEH and MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA.
why do the masses stay silent? For even some of the heathen know that
the laws now that are being passed are making them shudder and shake.
'I AM' YAHUVEH and the evil ones of
this earth I do hate. I am the same
yesterday and forever. I will not change just for the whim of a man.
America, you say you need no God? When even the heathen nations bow
to a foreign God. For they know by in themselves they are nothing,
for they desire a higher power and although it be false, at least
they acknowledge they are not a God. Oh, but you evil, evil, evil
nation of America. I speak not of MY Children, MY Sheep and MY Lambs.
I speak of you evil politicians and warmongers who go to try and
conquer space as well as every nation in this land, around this world
from sea to sea, America if you had your way you would say, "It
belongs to me."
of YAHUSHUA, call upon ME to deliver you from the human servants of
satan who seek your death and destruction. Come
before MY throne boldly without sin and ask ME in YAHUSHUA ha
to put these reprobate enemies of MINE and yours into MY meat
grinder, the Winepress of MY wrath. Those who dare to cast their
curses, spells, hexes and do all manner of evil to try and harm
destroy or kill the Bride of YAHUSHUA who are MY sealed ones.
Vengeance is MINE, sayeth YAHUVEH. I will repay the Bride of
YAHUSHUA's enemies and grind them up in seven different ways. Bride
of YAHUSHUA, you are not to take vengeance when these human servants
of satan harm you. Bride of YAHUSHUA, forgive your human enemies but
deliver them into I, YAHUVEH's hands. It is a fearful thing to fall
into I, YAHUVEH's hands. You are not to take vengeance but let I,
YAHUVEH take vengeance for you. I, YAHUVEH will grind up all your
reprobate enemies' mind, body, spirit and soul. There will not be
anything left but the sound of crushing bones when I, YAHUVEH have
finished with them on earth. Any enemy of the Bride of YAHUSHUA is an
enemy of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH. Some
of these enemies proclaim the name of Jesus Christ and yet the
Messiah's Holy Spirit is not in them. They are workers of evil, only
fooling themselves.
can you dare ask ME to bless Israel and Jerusalem until you stand for
Holiness? Can you not see I am fair in all ways; I am almighty in
love and in war. I bless those that obey I, YAHUVEH and I curse those
that disobey. Can you not see it is
written in your own Torah and Tanakh there is sacred anointing power
in MY NAME which is YAHUVEH? Does not MY Word say in Psalm 91, "I
will set him on high because he has known MY NAME?" Why do you
not study for yourself and count how many times I have pronounced
blessings on those who know and use MY SACRED HEBREW NAME? Why have
you allowed the Rabbi's to steal this blessing from you? This is not
always the way it was. What loving Father hides his name from his
because your countries label another nation their enemy, do not make
it your enemy, for the governments of this world are not of ME. They
do not speak for ME, they do not respect ME and they want no part of
ME. Your enemies are who I decree are your enemies. The
seed of satan is your enemy. Who is the seed of satan it is all those
whose names are NOT found in the Lambs Book of Life. They never were
MINE when they were born on this earth.
many of you watch and wait for JESUS to come and speak it loudly, and
yet do not even realize I do not call you the Bride of YAHUSHUA ha
MASHIACH. Most of you only know ME in
part. Am I not the same YAHUSHUA that rebuked the pharisee's and
called them snakes and vipers! I have no kind words for the enemies
of YAHUVEH whose names are not found in the Lambs' Book of Life. Did
not YAHUVEH say, the evil pharaoh that Moses battled was only born
for destruction?