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Jewish holidays

Prophecy 31:

If America does not repent 'I AM' will destroy their land, I will make a mockery out of the land once called the free and the brave. For all MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect reading this, turn not against Jerusalem. Turn not against Israel. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem so I can bless you. Pray for the nations who the hand of war has been sent against by NATO. Pray MY People and grieve for what is being done. Once again MY Holy Days are being defiled by the heathen. I am not a GOD to be mocked. All those that desire a 'PASSOVER' from MY wrath then I give this commandment that has never changed, observe and pray for your PASSOVER to come. HIS NAME is YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and pray you will be counted worthy to escape MY wrath and tribulation that is to come.

 For those that love, serve, try hard to obey 'I AM's commandments, knowing when you fail you have a PASSOVER Lamb whose Blood was shed at Calvary for your sins, yet you also know you do not test ME and purposely sin because you think you can. 'I AM' is not mocked and every person must work out their own salvation with fear and trembling for only 'I AM' knows your true heart and motives and intentions. Now I have spoken, what will you do with your PASSOVER? For many of you reading this there will be no more chances to celebrate the PASSOVER. It is time for you to decide, it is your choice. Beware I already know what you have chosen. Will you honor ME on this PASSOVER?

Prophecy 61:

I love you, MY Beloved Children, those who now are not afraid to do everything I say, those that respect the Holy Days, those that cry out and long for YAHUSHUA to come. They have the oil in their lamps as they wait and they have extra oil besides for they know not what hour or what day. They know HE [YAHUSHUA] will return on a Shabbat, but what Shabbat? I have told this Handmaiden, it will be on a Rosh HaShanah and one (1) coming shall be, but what Rosh HaShanah?

Prophecy 65:

Those that insist on celebrating holidays and that are not Torah observant to recognize, to esteem the True Holy Days will find out they will feel MY wrath in a mighty way, even those who are called by MY Sons NAME because this truth has set them free, that they are to be Holy as 'I AM' Holy. But instead they insist on participating and are anticipating and reciprocating these pagan holidays, then they shall not feel MY presence, they shall not hear MY Spirit speak to them, they will find they are no longer in MY Ark where I set MY Children apart.

Prophecy 75:

I put it upon your heart, MY Daughter Patricia, to ask these questions and write this Ring Maiden of YAHUSHUA so she will share this with others who are new to the Jewish Festivals and desire to fulfill them also. You serve a Risen MESSIAH. Should you not do what HE did also to honor and keep the Jewish Holy Days? Those who have been chosen to be YAHUSHUA's Bride hear what MY Prophet writes as I, YAHUVEH give her the words. What is good enough for YAHUSHUA is it not good enough for those who follow after YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH? Blessings shall come to you MY Daughter for obeying and writing Elisheva with these questions, for now others shall learn along with you. This word is meant to be shared to all with Spiritual eyes to see and Spiritual ears to hear. All others remain deaf and blind as the Evil pharaohs and Pharisees of this land.

Prophecy 76:

Verily I say unto you, the True Bride of YAHUSHUA, you know all of this and your sole desire is to obey YAHUVEH's every word and I am that Word that was made Flesh. I am the Living Torah. Verily I say unto you, that you the Bride of YAHUSHUA seek to obey and go the extra mile, what ever it takes to obey Abba YAHUVEH, to do what others deem foolish such as observing the Holy Feast Days and keeping the true Sabbath and flee man-made religions that changed the Sabbath to Sunday. MY Bride you know anything that is corrupt or perverted is not Holy and is an abomination unto YAHUVEH such as abortion, homosexuality and same-sex marriages. MY Bride, you do not remain silent but loudly protest these things and condemn anyone who does not do so, calling them a coward and a hypocrite.

MY Bride, you are scattered all over the world right now. MY Bride, you consist of the first fruits as mentioned in Revelation 14. You are the best fruit I will redeem from the earth before the Great Tribulation. MY Bride, you only boast in who you serve and you remain humble, never fully understanding why I, YAHUSHUA would choose you but feel honored you have been chosen and yet do not take it for granted and still pray you're counted worthy to be called MY Bride. MY Bride understands the importance of observing the Holy Days her Jewish Messiah Groom kept. MY Bride, you have laid everything down on the altar of sacrifice and hold nothing back and will follow your MESSIAH and obey all I say. Your cry on your lips is Holy.

Prophecy 79:

You obey these evil spiritual leaders now that make excuses for sin. What makes you think in the Great Tribulation you will not do the same again with the son of satan? I told you through the prophecies that I have released through Elisheva that MY Son YAHUSHUA is coming back for HIS Bride on a Rosh Ha Shanah and it shall be on a Shabbat [Sabbath]. If you are not being taught how to observe MY Shabbat and MY Holy Days, and to learn OUR Sacred NAMES (see "Why We Use the Sacred Names") and MY Torah to obey, how will you know how to honor ME and MY Son YAHUSHUA as I have decreed? How will you know which day without studying and showing yourself approved that I, YAHUVEH, have set aside to be MY Shabbat, how can you be ready when YAHUSHUA comes again?


If you do not honor and observe MY Holy Feasts, how will you know what Rosh Ha Shanah is and when it is? Then when you are left behind you will ask, "Why?" So I speak forth out of MY Ring Maiden and tell you ahead of time that I, YAHUVEH prophesy through this Ring Maiden who is part of MY Son YAHUSHUA's Bride.

Do you want to know what sets you apart from being YAHUSHUA's Bride or a Guest? I tell you now; it is how much you desire it, how much you prove it by Holiness, love and obedience. How much are you willing to sacrifice to be YAHUSHUA's Bride, doing things HIS way and not yours. Glorifying HIM in all you do. The Bride knows she is to Keep MY Holy Days. The Bride knows she cannot compromise what she knows to be true; she is bold in speaking forth the truth. That is what sets her apart. Communion is also a reminder of the marriage covenant with YAHUSHUA. YAHUSHUA's Bride uses OUR Holy Sacred NAMES of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. It matters not the spelling for I know your hearts and they are not ashamed.

Prophecy 80:

Some reading this will say, "Who is the Bride of YAHUSHUA?" I tell you this; your actions speak louder than your words. The Bride of YAHUSHUA worships, loves and adores I and MY Son YAHUSHUA, loving us above all others, desiring our will in their lives and praying how to serve US and please US, how to put a smile on the face of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. They refuse to compromise; they refuse to believe satan's lies. The Bride of YAHUSHUA strives to obey MY Laws as outlined in the Holy Biblical Scriptures. The Bride of YAHUSHUA lives Holy lives because they are Holy. They embrace the Jewishness of YAHUSHUA as they keep and honor MY Sabbath and count the Holy Feasts as a blessing, and observe them and acknowledge YAHUSHUA MESSIAH their Bridegroom in all of them.